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Industrial Waste Management Evaluation Model Version 3.1

The Industrial Waste Management Evaluation Model (IWEM) is a screening level ground water model designed to simulate contaminant fate and transport. IWEM v3.1 is the latest version of the IWEM software (IWEM v1.0), which includes additional tools to evaluate the beneficial use of industrial byproducts.

For an IWEM v3.1 evaluation, the user provides site-specific parameters to characterize the source, and the regional climate and hydrogeological conditions. Based on these inputs, the model employs a Monte Carlo-based fate and transport simulation to estimate the concentrations of the contaminants at a down gradient receptor well.

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What is Included in IWEM?

IWEM v3.1 consists of six modules used to evaluate the potential impacts to ground water resources associated with waste management practices of industrial materials, or the beneficial use of these byproducts:

  • Waste Management Unit (WMU) Modules (landfill, land application unit, surface impoundment and waste pile)
  • Beneficial Use Modules (roadway and structural fill)

WMU modules help to determine the most appropriate liner design that minimizes or avoids impact to ground water, while the beneficial use modules help to evaluate the appropriateness of reusing industrial byproducts in roadway construction and structural fill applications.

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Who Uses IWEM?

IWEM v3.1 can assist managers of proposed or existing waste management units, state regulatory and permitting bodies, and community advocacy groups to determine potential ground water impacts from waste management practices. In addition, with the incorporation of the beneficial use modules, IWEM can assist state and local regulators, engineers, and other stakeholders in determining whether the reuse of industrial byproducts is environmentally appropriate.

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Essential Files for Accessing IWEM

IWEM 3.1 includes additional tools to evaluate the beneficial use of industrial byproducts.

Model File:

Model Documentation:

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