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Soil Fumigants

Soil Fumigant Training for Certified Applicators

As required by updated soil fumigant product labels, certified applicators must successfully complete an EPA-approved training program covering the new soil fumigant provisions. This page includes information about:

Note: If you are an applicator who is already certified in a soil fumigation category or subcategory, your certification is current and the state where you are certified is listed under States with Additional Certified Applicator Training Options and Requirements below, you do not have to complete the registrant training program. 

Applicators may use the following manual to prepare for either program:

Training Materials for Certified Applicators Developed by Registrants

EPA required registrants to develop and implement training programs for certified applicators supervising soil fumigant applications. This training must be completed every three years.

State Options for Complying with the Certified Applicator Training Requirement on Soil Fumigant Labels

Depending on where the soil fumigant application is taking place, there may be:

  • additional options and/or
  • further requirements

for satisfying the training requirement found on soil fumigant labels for certified applicators supervising soil fumigant applications.

If the state where you intend to apply a soil fumigant is not listed below, then the EPA-approved registrant training programs will satisfy the certified applicator training label requirement.

States with Additional Certified Applicator Training Options and Requirements

State Where
Soil Fumigant
Will be Applied
Option to Satisfy
the Certified Applicator
Training Requirement
How Often Training
has to be Completed
Contact for
California 1) Commercial applicators: State certification & licensing in Category O meets label requirement for applicator training. 1) Meeting state certification and renewal requirements will fulfill the label-required training.

Licensing and Certification Program

Department and Pesticide Regulation

Phone: 916-445-4038

2) Private applicators: must successfully complete a registrant-developed training program

2) Must successfully complete registrant training every 36 months.
Florida Commercial and private applicators who first attempted and did not pass the Registrant training exam: Successful completion of state administered challenge exam meets label requirement for applicator training for methyl bromide, chloropicrin, chloropicrin and 1,3-dichloropropene, dazomet, and metam sodium and potassium Must successfully complete challenge exam every 36 months.

Tamara James, Environmental Manager

Division of Agricultural Environmental Services

Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services

Phone: 850-617-7876

Idaho Professional (commercial) and Private applicators: State certification & licensing in soil fumigation category meets label requirement for applicator training Meeting state certification and renewal requirements will fulfill the label-required training. Sherman Takatori
Program Manager

Pesticide Applicator Licensing and Training

Idaho State Department of Agriculture

Phone: 208-332-8609
Minnesota Commercial, Non-commercial and Private applicators:  State certification & licensing in soil fumigation category meets label requirement for applicator training Meeting state certification and renewal requirements will fulfill the label-required training. Alice Waller, Licensing Consultant

Licensing & Certification Unit

Pesticide & Fertilizer Management Division

MN Department of Agriculture
625 Robert Street North
St. Paul, MN 55155-2538

Phone: 651-201-6284
Fax: 651-201-6105
Nevada 1) Private applicators:  State certification & licensing in soil fumigation category meets label requirement for applicator training. 1) Meeting state certification and renewal requirements will fulfill the label-required training.

Bret Allen

Nevada Department of Agriculture
Phone: 775-353-3715
2) Commercial applicators: must successfully complete a registrant-developed training program 2) Must successfully complete registrant training every 36 months.
North Carolina Certified private, commercial, and public applicators:
Completion of state soil fumigation training program and passing state administered exam meets label requirement for applicator training.
Must successfully complete training and exam every 36 months.

John Feagans

North Carolina Department of Agriculture & Consumer Services
Phone: 919-857-4133

Oregon 1) Public and commercial applicators: State certification & licensing in Soil Fumigation II Category meets the label requirement for applicator training if the applicator completes the exam after December 25, 2012 1) Meeting state certification and renewal requirements will fulfill the label-required training. Laurie Gordon
Certification/Registration Specialist

Oregon Department of Agriculture
475 NE Bellevue Drive, Suite 110
Bend, OR 97701-7415

Phone: 541-617-6097
Fax: 541-389-1329


Oregon Department of Agriculture
635 Capitol St. NE
Salem, OR 97301

Phone: 503-986-4635
Fax: 503-986-4735

2) Private applicators: must successfully complete a registrant-developed training program 2) Must successfully complete registrant training every 36 months.
Washington Commercial and Private applicators:
State certification & licensing in Soil Fumigation RMM category meets label requirement for applicator training
Meeting state certification and renewal requirements will fulfill the label-required training.

Christina Zimmerman
WSDA Pesticide Licensing Supervisor

Phone: 360-902-2150 

Wisconsin Commercial and Private applicators: State certification & licensing in soil fumigation category meets label requirement for applicator training Meeting state certification and renewal requirements will fulfill the label-required training

Michael Murray, DATCP Pesticide Program Manager

Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection


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