General Guidance on Innovative and Voluntary Air Pollution Control Strategies
General Guidance and Control Strategies
The guidance documents below outline basic processes in place for securing air quality credit for voluntary and innovative emission reduction programs in the context of state implementation plans, emission trading programs, and economic incentive programs.
- Incorporating Voluntary Mobile Source Emission Reduction Programs in State Implementation Plans (SIPs)
Guidance on how to include and apply for credit for voluntary mobile source emission reduction programs in a State Implementation Plan or "SIP." - Voluntary Mobile Source Programs: Crediting Innovation and Experimentation Brochure
Examples of potential voluntary mobile source emission reduction programs that could be included in a SIP. - Guidance on Incorporating Bundled Measures in a State Implementation Plan (PDF) (55 pp, 3.06 MB, August 16, 2005)
Guidance on how to combine the sum of emissions reductions from a group of emerging measures (transportation and stationary) for the purposes of submitting them to EPA in a single SIP submission. - Incorporating Emerging and Voluntary Measures in a State Implementation Plan (Stationary Sources) (PDF) (30 pp, 62.5 K)
Guidance on how to include and apply for credit for voluntary stationary source emission reduction programs in a SIP. - Economic Incentive Program (EIP) Guidance (PDF) (276 pp, 622 K, EPA-452/R-01-001, January 2001)
Guidance on how to develop and include a discretionary Economic Incentive Program as a measure in a SIP.