EPA is providing a range of products to help agencies incorporate energy efficiency/renewable energy (EE/RE) emissions reduction strategies in air quality plans, including the Roadmap Manual below.
The Roadmap clarifies existing agency guidance on incorporating EE/RE policies and programs into State and Tribal Implementation Plans (SIPs/TIPs). The document consists of an overview and several detailed appendices.
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Roadmap for Incorporating Energy Efficiency/Renewable Energy Policies and Programs into State and Tribal Implementation Plans (PDF)(43 pp, 3 MB)
Introduces the four pathways available for incorporating EE/RE policies and programs in SIPs/TIPs, answers frequently asked questions, provides basic information on how to get started and includes a decision flowchart to assist agencies in determining which pathway is appropriate for each EE/RE strategy.
Appendix A: Glossary (PDF)(10 pp, 349 K)
Provides a glossary of key air quality and electric energy terms.
Appendix B: Overview of U.S. Electric System (PDF)(14 pp, 745 K)
Highlights the basic workings of the electric system and addresses important issues that arise in energy and air quality planning, such as quantification of emission benefits for incorporation in SIPs/ TIPs.
Appendix C: Existing EPA Energy Efficiency/Renewable Energy Guidance (PDF)(14 pp, 421 K)
Summarizes existing EPA guidance relating to EE/RE and SIPs.
Appendix D: Understanding State Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Policies and Programs (PDF)(14 pp, 429 K)
Provides a general description of common EE and RE policies, and offers government officials suggested questions to ask when evaluating whether it makes sense for state, tribal or local agencies to account for the future impacts of EE/RE policies in SIPs/TIPs.
Appendix E: Baseline Emissions Projection Pathway (PDF)(19 pp, 760 K)
Provides details on the baseline emissions projection pathway, one of four approaches for incorporating EE/RE policies and programs in SIPs. The appendix includes the circumstances for which the pathway is best suited, documentation needs for the pathway and the steps agencies would take to implement it.
Appendix F: Control Strategy Pathway (PDF)(13 pp, 650 K)
Provides details on the control strategy pathway, one of four approaches for incorporating EE/RE policies and programs in SIPs. The appendix includes the circumstances for which the pathway is best suited, as well as documentation needs for the pathway and guidance on how to obtain SIP credit in a multi-state scenario.
Appendix G: Emerging/Voluntary Measures Pathway (PDF)(11 pp, 593 K)
Provides details on the emerging/voluntary measures pathway, one of four approaches for incorporating EE/RE policies and programs in SIPs. The appendix includes the circumstances for which the pathway is best suited, as well as documentation needs for the pathway and guidance on bundling of emerging/voluntary measures.
Appendix H: Weight-of-Evidence Pathway (PDF)(10 pp, 492 K)
Provides details on the weight-of-evidence pathway, one of four approaches for incorporating EE/RE policies and programs in SIPs. The information includes what circumstances for which the pathway is best suited, as well as documentation needs for the pathway and guidance on how to strengthen the weight-of-evidence analysis.
Appendix I: Methods for Quantifying Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Emission Reductions (PDF)(36 pp, 1 MB)
Provides information to help jurisdictions determine the emissions quantification approach best suited for each SIP/TIP pathway when accounting for EE/RE policies and programs in SIPs/TIPs. It includes an overview of four quantification approaches, including advantages and limitations.
Appendix J: EPA's Draft Methodology for Estimating Energy Impacts of Energy Efficiency/Renewable Energy Policies (PDF)(33 pp, 815 K)
Provides information on (EPA's) draft methodology for estimating the projected energy and demand impacts of existing state EE and RE policies, and (EPA's) results from using the methodology. This appendix describes the process and calculations used to develop the energy savings estimates and an overview of the available information.
Appendix K: State, Tribal and Local Examples and Opportunities (PDF)(46 pp, 3 MB)
Provides information on states that have addressed EE/RE policies and programs in their 1997 ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standards SIPs or are considering incorporating such strategies in future SIPs. The appendix also discusses emerging opportunities for incorporating EE/RE policies and programs in SIPs, tribal governments that have implemented EE/RE programs on tribal lands and other opportunities to reduce electricity consumption through green infrastructure projects.