Tools for State, Local, and Tribal Governments
AVoided Emissions and geneRation Tool (AVERT)
Use this tool to estimate the emissions benefits of energy efficiency and renewable energy policies and programs.
CO-Benefits Risk Assessment (COBRA) Screening Model
A tool that helps state and local governments estimate and map the air quality, human health, and related economic benefits of clean energy policies and programs.
Greenhouse Gas Equivalencies Calculator
Use this calculator to translate abstract greenhouse gas measurements into concrete terms you can understand, such as the annual emissions from cars, households, or power plants.
Health Benefits per-Kilowatt Hour Values
Use these values to estimate the outdoor air quality-related public health benefits of investments in energy efficiency and renewable energy.
Inventory Tools
EPA offers three inventory tools - State Inventory and Projection Tool, Local Greenhouse Gas Inventory Tool, and Tribal Greenhouse Gas Inventory Tool.
Tool Finder for Local Government Clean Energy Initiatives
Use this filter to find the right tools and resources to help measure the emissions, energy, and economic impacts of your local government’s energy efficiency, renewable energy, transportation, and waste programs.
Tool Finder for Electrification Initiatives
Use this filter to find the right tools and resources to help measure the the environmental and economic impacts of current and prospective electrification initiatives.
Clean Energy Finance Tool
This tool is for state and local governments interested in developing a financing program to support energy efficiency and clean energy improvements for large numbers or buildings within their jurisdiction.
Benefits Calculator(1 pg, 3 MB)
This calculator from the National Action Plan for Energy Efficiency provides a simplified tool to demonstrate the business case for energy efficiency from the perspective of the consumer, the utility, and society.
Building Upgrade Value Calculator
Use this ENERGY STAR calculator to analyze the financial value of efficiency-related capital investments in commercial real estate. It allows you to calculate the costs and benefits of base building energy efficiency measures for both the owner and each tenant. The results are presented in both summary outputs and customized letters to owners and tenants.
Cash Flow Opportunity Calculator (XLS)
This ENERGY STAR calculator helps inform strategic decisions about financing energy efficiency projects. Using the tool, you will be able to estimate how much new equipment you can finance using anticipated savings, as well whether you should finance now or wait for a lower interest rate.
Financial Value Calculator
This ENERGY STAR calculator helps you quantify the value of improvements in energy efficiency to your organization. The calculator uses the prevailing price/earnings ratio to estimate the market value of increased earnings that can result from increased energy efficiency.
ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager
Portfolio Manager is an interactive resource management tool that enables you to track and assess energy and water use across an entire portfolio of buildings. It can help you implement an energy management program, from setting a baseline and identifying which buildings to target to setting goals and tracking improvements.
Target Finder
This EPA calculator helps architects, engineers, and property owners and managers assess the energy performance of commercial building designs and existing buildings.
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