Transportation control measures (TCMs) are strategies that reduce transportation-related air pollution, GHG emissions, and fuel use by reducing vehicle miles traveled and improving roadway operations. Vehicle use can be reduced through less-polluting transportation alternatives, such as public transit, and strategies that decrease the need for vehicle trips, such as telecommuting. TCMs may also focus on making travel more efficient by carefully managing the transportation system. This document describes how various TCMs can reduce the demand for fuels, decrease GHG emissions and local air pollutants, and reduce infrastructure and travel costs for the community, residents, and local businesses. It is designed to be used by city planners, local transportation managers and agencies, mayors and city councils, metropolitan planning organizations, regional planning agencies, and employers.
Readers of this document should come away with an understanding of the issues and steps involved in developing and implementing TCMs, as well as an awareness of the challenges and opportunities presented.
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