Chromium Compounds: National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants for Chemical Manufacturing Area Sources
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Rule Summary
This industry produces various chromium compounds, including sodium chromate, sodium dichromate, chromic acid, chromic oxide, and chromium dehydrate. These compounds are used to make various products. Sodium dichromate is used to make chromic acid and is also used in leather tanning, chromic oxide production, pigments manufacture, and textile dyeing. Chromic acid is used in the metal finishing industry to produce resistant coatings for a variety of base metals. Other uses include decorative plating, conversion coatings, and metal coloring compounds. The two main uses of chromic oxide are in pigments and refractories.
The National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP) for Chromium Compounds Manufacturing Area Sources were initially proposed in April 2007 and finalized in July 2007. These air toxics standards for chromium compounds manufacturing area sources regulate emissions of particulate matter (PM).
See the regulations below for more details.
Rule History
03/28/2008 - Direct Final Rule with Technical Corrections
07/16/2007 - Final Rule
04/04/2007 - Proposed Rule
Additional Resources
Fact Sheet: Final Air Toxics Standards for Area Sources in Seven Industry Sectors
View the supporting documents in the docket folder to find additional related documents to this rule. Exit