Comprehensive Data Collected from the Petroleum Refining Sector
On This Page
- Overview
- Information Collection Request (ICR) Component 1 Data - Questionnaire on Processes and Controls
- Information Collection Request (ICR) Component 2 Data - Emission Inventory
- Information Collection Request (ICR) Component 3 Data
- Information Collection Request (ICR) Component 4 - Emission Source Testing
- Information Collection Request (ICR) Components 1-4: Raw Data
On April 1, 2011 the EPA sent a comprehensive industry-wide information collection request (ICR) to all facilities in the U.S. petroleum refining industry. The ICR was designed to collect information on processing characteristics, crude slate, emission inventories, and limited source testing to fill known data gaps. The template for the ICR letter sent to the refineries and the general instructions for the ICR are available here in the docket folder at or at
The ICR consists of four components: 1) a questionnaire to be completed by all petroleum refineries and submitted by May 31, 2011; 2) an emissions inventory to be developed by all petroleum refineries and submitted by June 30, 2011; 3) distillation feed sampling and analysis to be conducted by all petroleum refineries and submitted by August 31, 2011; and 4) emissions testing, to be completed in accordance with an the EPA-approved protocol, for 88 selected emission sources located at specific refineries by August 31, 2011.
The EPA has received this ICR data and compiled these data into databases and spreadsheets. A number of different public parties have requested the ICR data; therefore, as a way to continue our commitment to transparency, the EPA is making the following non-CBI data files available to the public. These datasets will be used to inform development of rulemakings related to the petroleum refining sector. Some of the ICR data were submitted as confidential business information (CBI) by the refining industry, this information is stored in the EPA’s CBI office and not available to the public.
Some of the documents below are Microsoft Office documents. If oyu do not have Microsoft Office on your computer, you may download Free Viewers to view them.
ICR Component 1 Data- Questionnaire on Processes and Controls
- Compilation of Non-confidential Component 1 Responses to the 2011 Petroleum Refinery Information Collection Request
- Non-confidential compiled database of all Component 1 submittals(60 MB) (access file)
ICR Component 2 Data- Emission Inventory
- Non-CBI compiled database of all Component 2 submittals: All Pollutants (HAP, CAP, and Other)(33 MB) (zip file) - REVISED Final Emissions Inventory
- Non-CBI compiled database of all Component 2 submittals: All Pollutants (HAP, CAP, and Other)(597 MB) (access file) - REVISED Final Emissions Inventory
- Non-CBI compiled database of all Component 2 submittals (HAP data only)(231 MB) (access file) – REVISED Final Emissions Inventory Modeling File - Added a HEM Source ID column to crosswalk with the HEM Input Files
- Emissions Data Quality Memorandum and Development of the Risk Model Input File
- HEM Input Files(22 MB) (ZIP file)
- Ariel maps of each refinery(5 MB) (ZIP file) – Each images contains the HEM3 estimated cancer risks, census block receptors, census block TOSHI, polar receptors, emission sources, and MIR around the facilities.
ICR Component 3 Data
The facilities submitted the distillation feed sampling results in a spreadsheet file. All data was consolidated into one non-CBI spreadsheet. Facilities also submitted CBI information for the distillation feed sampling. These data were also compiled into a spreadsheet and is in the EPA’s CBI office. An aggregate dataset was compiled with this CBI data and included in a sheet with the non-CBI spreadsheet. Creating this aggregate summary enabled the EPA to present all data received, including the CBI data, without indentifying the facility-specific data.
- Summary of Distillation Feed Composition Analysis
- Component 3 Distillation Feed Composition Analysis Spreadsheet
ICR Component 4 - Emission Source Testing
These memoranda summarize the results of all test reports received for each emission source or unit. A separate spreadsheet (with cover memorandum) was completed for each emission source or unit.
- Fluid Catalytic Cracking Unit Memo and Summary Table
- Fluid Catalytic Cracking Unit Summary Spreadsheet
- Delayed Coker Unit Memo and Summary Table
- Delayed Coker Unit Summary Spreadsheet
- Source Test Report of the Coker Steam Vent (Hovensa, L.L.C)
- Test Report for DCU D603 Vent at the ExxonMobil Baytown Refinery Performed July 14 through July 17, 2011
- Test Report Emission Test Program EPA Information Collection Request for Delayed Coking Units 736 Coker Unit
- Source Test Report for the 205 Delayed Coking Unit Drum 205-1201 and Drum 205-1202 Depressurization Vents (Marathon Petroleum Company LLC)
- Petroleum Refinery Information Collection Request (ICR) Emissions Test Report for BP-Husky Refining LLC
- Catalytic Reformer Unit Memo
- Catalytic Reformer Unit Summary Spreadsheet
- Hydrogen Plant Memo and Summary Table
- Hydrogen Plant Summary Spreadsheet
- Sulfur Recovery Unit Memo and Summary Table
- Sulfur Recovery Unit Summary Spreadsheet
- Cooling Water Memo and Summary Table
- Cooling Water Summary Spreadsheet
- Fuel Gas Memo and Summary Table
- Fuel Gas Summary Spreadsheet
- Wastewater Memo and Summary Table
- Wastewater Summary Spreadsheet
ICR Components 1-4: Raw Data
All data submitted to the EPA are organized by the Facility ICR ID. Note that these data files are not compiled into one database or spreadsheet; these are the individual data files sent by each facility to the EPA for each ICR component. This data is available in the federal docket. To access these items, go to the docket on, and search on for documents 0064 through 0069.
If you have questions or comments about the petroleum refining sector, please contact Brenda Shine at or 919-541-3608.