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Secondary Aluminum Production: National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants

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Rule Summary

This action proposes national emission standards for hazardous air pollutants (NESHAP) for new and existing sources at secondary aluminum production facilities. Hazardous air pollutants (HAPs) emitted by the facilities that would be regulated by this proposed rule include HAP organics, inorganic HAPs (hydrogen chloride, hydrogen fluoride, and chlorine), and particulate HAP metals. Some of these pollutants, including 2,3,7,8- tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin, are considered to be known or suspected carcinogens and all can cause toxic effects following sufficient exposure. Emissions of other pollutants include particulate matter and volatile organic compounds.

EPA has determined that secondary aluminum production plants are major sources of HAP emissions and emit several of the HAPs listed in section 112(b) of the Act from the various process operations found within the industry. The proposed NESHAP would reduce risks to public health and environment by requiring secondary aluminum production plants to meet emission standards reflecting application of the maximum available control technology (MACT). Secondary aluminum production plants that are area sources would be subject to limitations on emissions of dioxins and furans (D/F) only. EPA estimated that Implementation of the NESHAP would reduce emissions of HAPs and other pollutants by about 16,600 megagrams per year (Mg/yr) (18,300 tons per year (tpy)). 

Rule History

06/13/2016 - Proposed Rule & Direct Final Rule

09/18/2015 - Final Rule.

01/15/2015 - Supplemental notice of proposed rulemaking; extension of public comment period

12/08/2014 - Supplemental notice of proposed rulemaking

03/23/2012 - Notice of Extension of Public Comment Period.

02/14/2012 - Proposed Rule.

12/19/2005 - Final Rule.

10/03/2005 - Direct final rule; amendments & ​Proposed rule; amendments.

03/25/2005 - Proposed rulemaking

09/03/2004 - Direct final rule; amendments

12/30/2002 - Final rule; amendments

11/08/2002 - Final rule; correction of effective date

09/24/2002 - Final rule; amendments

06/14/2002 - Withdrawal of proposed rule & Proposed rule; amendments.

06/14/2002 - Proposed rule; amendments & Direct final rule; amendments.

09/14/2000 - Notice of proposed settlement agreement; request for public comment

09/14/2000 - Advance notice of proposed rule (ANPR) & Proposed rule; applicability stay.

03/23/2000 - Final rule

02/11/1999 - Proposed rule and notic of public hearing

Additional Resources

Question & Answer for Requesting and Making Impracticability Determinations for “Group 1 Furnaces”

Fact Sheets


Sweat Furnace Guidance Document

Secondary Aluminum Sweat Furnace Workbook