EPA is proposing minor amendments to the National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP) for the Surface Coating of Metal Cans (2003) and the Surface Coating of Metal Coil (2002) source categories. The Metal Can source category includes emissions from facilities engaged in the manufacture and surface coating of cans, can parts and decorative tins. This includes aerosol cans, two-piece food and beverage cans, two-piece food cans and three-piece cans. The Metal Coil source category includes emissions from facilities engaged in the coating of aluminum and steel coils (sheets), which are used by client companies to fabricate a large variety of end products such as buses, trailers, large appliances, metal buildings and construction materials. Based on the results of required residual risk and technology reviews, EPA is proposing that risks from these source categories are acceptable and has identified no developments in practices, processes or control technologies that would further reduce emissions of hazardous air pollutants. EPA is proposing no significant changes to the original NESHAP for these source categories and proposes that the standards continue to provide an ample margin of safety to public health and the environment. EPA is also proposing minor amendments to the existing regulations pertaining to emissions during periods of startup, shutdown and malfunction, and amendments to clarify certain rule provisions that will enhance the effectiveness of the rules.
Read the summary fact sheet below.
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