JEA is an electric, water, and sewer utility located in Jacksonville, Florida and parts of three adjacent counties. The JEA water system serves more than 305,000 water customers and 230,000 sewer customers in Northeast Florida. JEA’s water is supplied from 134 artesian wells, which tap the Floridan aquifer, and water is distributed through 26 water treatment plants and 4,208 miles of water lines. JEA collects sewage through more than 3,760 miles of collection lines, and uses seven regional and eight non-regional sewer treatment plants to complete sewage treatment for its customers. Essentially all the sludge from all treatment facilities is consolidated at the Buckman Street facility for production of Green Edge fertilizer, which is sold through the Ace Hardware chain. The JEA electric system currently serves more than 417,000 electric customers in Jacksonville. The utility has applied Lean and Six Sigma process improvement techniques since 2000. This report looks at some of the savings resulting from those lean and environment activities.
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JEA (PDF)(8 pp, 604 K)
Report on the use of lean techniques to achieve environmental savings at a public utility.