Sustainable Futures Publications
On this page:
- Case studies and articles
- US/OECD Minimum Pre-Market Data/Structure Activity Relationships Study
- Sustainable Futures / P2 Framework Manual
Case studies and articles
Participants have evaluated the predictive capability of the Sustainable Futures / P2 Framework methods, including:
- PPG's Comparison of Measured Aquatic Toxicity Data with EPA SAR Predictions
- PPG's Comparison of Environmental Fate Predictions from the PBT Profiler with Data Found in the Literature
- Eastman Kodak's Design for Competitive Advantage: The Business Benefits of the EPA Pollution Prevention Assessment Framework in New Product Development
In addition, articles have appeared in the trade press which present industry perspectives on Sustainable Futures, including:
- Chemical Pilot, Winter 2005: Bringing a New Chemical Product to Market under the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA): The New Paradigm for Success and EPA's Sustainable Futures Program
- Chemistry Business, December 2004-January 2005: Cytec Industries Takes Stand on Sustainable Futures
US/OECD Minimum Pre-Market Data/Structure Activity Relationships Study
In October 1989 the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) organized a workshop on the notification schemes of member countries. From the information presented at the workshop, it was apparent the majority of members used schemes based on the principle of the minimum pre-market data set (MPD) although the content of the MPD would vary.
Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Exit
One exception was the United States where the notification scheme under the Toxic Substances Control Act did not include requirements for a MPD. EPA instead relied heavily on Quantiative Structure Activity Relationship (QSAR) models. One of the recommendations from the workshop was to evaluate the predictive power of the QSARs used by EPA.
The recommendations were a starting point for the collaborative effort between the European Community and the United States regarding use of QSAR, which is described in the report below.
- US/OECD MPD/SAR Study - Table of Contents and Sections 1-5
- US/OECD MPD/SAR Study - Annexes 1-15
- US/OECD MPD/SAR Study - Appendices 1-4
Sustainable Futures / P2 Framework Manual
Extensive information on the Sustainable Futures / Pollution Prevention (P2) Framework methods is available in the "Sustainable Futures / P2 Framework Manual." EPA has updated the manual to include most of the training materials that are currently available. Included in the updated manual are the Sustainable Futures Summary Assessment Worksheet for the sample chemical isodecyl acrylate (CAS RN 1330-61-6) and a Sustainable Futures PMN submission for isodecyl acrylate. Manual citation: Sustainable Futures / Pollution Prevention (P2) Framework Manual, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, OCSPP, EPA-748-B12-001. Sept. 2012.
See the Sustainable Futures / P2 Framework Manual (download sections of the manual).