EPA developed a resource guide on food scrap compost facility training for Region 5 states and operators. This guide contains seven sections:
- Section 1.0 introduces the scope of work and outlines the sections of the report.
- Section 2.0 provides a summary of compost regulatory requirements for Region 5 states and one state from each of the other EPA regions.
- Section 3.0 compiles compost operator training courses available to Region 5 operators.
- Section 4.0 summarizes findings from interviews held with Region 5 compost operators, who were identified by EPA Region 5 through their state agency contacts.
- Section 5.0 provides an analysis of additional issues faced by the compost operators; the issues fall outside of the scope of training programs but were identified in initial interviews with compost operators.
- Section 6.0 provides a summary of the work performed under this task order, identifies gaps in training that have yet to be addressed, and provides recommendations.
- Section 7.0 acknowledges the individuals and organizations that contributed to this report.
- Assistance in the Development of an Information Resource on Compost Facility Training for Region 5 States and Operators (PDF)(50 pp, 4 MB, September 11, 2015)