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Sustainable Management of Food

Learn About the Food Recovery Challenge (FRC)

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About the Food Recovery Challenge

EPA’s Food Recovery Challenge is a voluntary incentive program in which organizations and businesses set data-driven goals, implement targeted strategies to reduce wasted food in their operations, and report results to compete for annual recognition from EPA. Organizations and businesses can join as participants or endorsers and are encouraged to follow the Food Recovery Hierarchy to prioritize their actions to prevent and divert wasted food. Those actions include source reduction, donation, feeding animals, industrial uses, and composting.

The Food Recovery Challenge, as part of EPA’s Sustainable Materials Management Program, encourages organizations to use materials more productively over their entire lifecycle. Working together, we can promote the value of reducing wasted food and encourage organizations to make informed decisions and use approaches to divert and prevent food from entering landfills.

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Food Recovery Challenge Partner Types

Organizations and businesses such as grocers, state/local/tribal/territorial governments, educational institutions, food rescue organizations, restaurants, faith-based organizations, sports and entertainment venues, and hospitality businesses can all join the Food Recovery Challenge.

An organization or business can join as a participant or an endorser. Please note: individuals are not eligible to join the program.

  • Participants are businesses or organizations that prevent and divert wasted food in their operations by following the Food Recovery Hierarchy.
  • Endorsers are organizations that may not generate wasted food themselves but rather work with and educate others to reduce their generation of wasted food. Endorsers may also recruit other organizations and businesses as Food Recovery Challenge participants

Partner Benefits

Becoming a Food Recovery Challenge partner has no financial obligation. As a partner, you can raise the importance of reducing wasted food and…

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Current Food Recovery Challenge Partners

Note: Emerge Knowledge Design Inc. developed the SMM Data Management System under GSA contract number is GS-35F-0589V. The system is hosted in Re-TRAC Connect.

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