Who Has to Obtain a Title V Permit?
Any major source:
- A major source has actual or potential emissions at or above the major source threshold for any “air pollutant.”
- The major source threshold for any air pollutant is 100 tons/year (this is the “default value”).
- Lower thresholds apply in non-attainment areas (but only for the pollutant that are in non-attainment). (See Table below).
- Major source thresholds for “hazardous air pollutants” (HAP) are 10 tons/year for a single HAP or 25 tons/year for any combination of HAP.
- The EPA generally has not required non-major sources to get permits (except as shown below).
Any Source with a Major Source Permit under the New Source Review Permitting Program
“Affected Sources” under Acid Rain Rules
Regardless of Size
Solid Waste Incineration Units under Section 129
Regardless of Size
- Municipal waste combustors (large and small)
- Hospital/medical/infectious waste incinerators
- Commercial and industrial solid waste incinerators
- Other solid waste incinerators
- Sewage sludge incinerators
Non-major Sources subject to National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP) (MACT or GACT Standards)
- Hazardous waste combusters
- Portland cement manufacturers
- Mercury cell chlor-alkali plants
- Secondary lead smelters
- Carbon black production
- Chemical manufacturing: chromium compounds
- Primary copper smelting
- Secondary copper smelting
- Nonferrous metals area sources: zinc, cadmium, & beryllium
- Glass Manufacturing
- Electric Arc Furnace (EAF) Steelmaking Facilities
- Gold Mine Ore Processing and Production
[Note that if any newly promulgated NSPS or MACT standard regulates area sources, it must clarify whether the area sources are required to obtain title V permits.]
Certain Synthetic Minor Sources subject to NESHAP Requirements
- Chemical Manufacturing
Non-major Sources subject to NESHAP and New Source Performance Standards (NSPS) Requirements
Municipal solid waste landfills (design capacity ≥ 2.5 million mega-grams and 2.5 million m3)
Any Source in a Source Category Designated by the EPA – None so far.
Table 1 – Lower Major Source Thresholds for Non-attainment Areas
Non-attainment Area Designation
VOC or NOx
Marginal |
100 tpy |
Moderate |
100 tpy |
100 tpy |
100 tpy |
Serious |
50 tpy |
50 tpy |
70 tpy |
Ozone transport region |
50 tpy (VOC only) |
Severe |
25 tpy |
Extreme |
10 tpy |
Note: For the complete and current information on determining major source status or for a list of area sources required to obtain title V permits please consult the applicable regulations as published in 40 Code of Federal Regulations.