On May 11, 2016, EPA partially approved West Virginia’s 2014 Section 303(d) list of water quality-limited segments and associated pollutants and partially disapproved West Virginia’s submission to the extent that West Virginia did not evaluate certain water quality information and therefore did not identify certain water quality-limited segments. EPA has evaluated the information and proposes to identify 61 additional water quality-limited segments for inclusion on the State’s 2014 Section 303(d) list. The proposed water quality-limited segments are identified in Enclosure 3 of the decision documents below.
Notice and initial request for public comment for the proposed additions of waters to WV's 2014 303(d) list was published in the Federal Register on June 2, 2016. The public comment period for the proposed additions of waters to WV's list is now closed. The public comment period was open from June 2, 2016, to July 5, 2016.
Please direct questions to Bill Richardson (richardson.william@epa.gov) or (215) 814-5675.
- Comments Received on Proposed Additions to West Virginia's 2014 Impaired Waters List.
- The Federal Register Notice can be viewed here. Exit
- WV_Proposed_Waters.zip(563 K)
The file "WV_Proposed_Waters.zip" includes three GIS Files for GoogleEarth:
- WV 2014 303(d) List Partial Approval-Partial Disapproval Letter (PDF)(2 pp, 436 K, May 11, 2016)
- Partial Approval-Partial Disapproval Enclosure 1: EPA's List Review and Decision Rationale (PDF)(16 pp, 6 MB, May 11, 2016)
- Partial Approval-Partial Disapproval Enclosure 2: EPA's List Development Process (PDF)(4 pp, 2 MB, May 11, 2016)
- Partial Approval-Partial Disapproval Enclosure 3: EPA Proposed Waters to Add to WV's 2014 303(d) List (PDF)(3 pp, 219 K, May 11, 2016)