2008 Dioxin and Dioxin-like Compounds and TEQ Data Files
Six data files represent all of the Toxics Release Inventory (TRI) dioxin and dioxin-like compounds data for reporting year 2008, including toxic equivalency (TEQ) data. There are seventeen distinct members of this chemical category listed under TRI. In addition to the total quantity (in grams) released for the entire dioxin category, facilities must report the quantity for each individual member. Dioxin data are reported on the TRI Form R Schedule 1.
Although useful, the total quantity of releases is not the best measure of the actual toxicity of dioxin and dioxin-like compounds because each compound has a different level of toxicity. To account for how these compounds vary in toxicity, EPA calculates weighted values called toxic equivalents (TEQs) from the individual mass quantity data reported by facilities and the associated Toxic Equivalency Factors (TEFs).
For detailed descriptions of the contents of these files, please see Guidance for Using Historical TRI Dioxin and Dioxin-like Compounds Data Files.
- File 1: The Toxic Equivalency Factors File
- tef2008.txt(2 K) (1 pp, 2 K)
- tef2008.xls(1 pg, 15 K)
- File 2: The Schedule One Congener Data File
- congener2008.txt(8 MB) (1 pp, 8.0 MB)
- congener2008.xls(1 pg, 16 MB)
- File 3: The TEQ Data File
- teq2008.txt(491 K) (1 pp, 480 K)
- teq2008_0.xls(1 pg, 1 MB)
- File 4: The Water Congener Data File
- watercongener2008.txt(7 MB) (1 pp, 6.4 MB)
- watercongener2008.xls(1 pg, 10 MB)
- File 5: The Water TEQ Data File
- waterteq2008.txt(373 K) (1 pp, 364 K)
- waterteq2008.xls(1 pg, 756 K)
- File 6: The Transfer Details Data File
- transfers2008.txt(250 K) (1 pp, 245 K)
- transfers2008.xls(1 pg, 493 K)