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Toxics Release Inventory (TRI) Program

2008 TRI National Analysis Basic Plus Data Files

The downloadable data files on this webpage contain the Toxics Release Inventory (TRI) data for calendar year 2008, originally made available in September 2009. Please note that these files don't reflect any data revisions or withdrawals submitted by facilities since September 2009. If you're looking for the most current 2008 TRI data, please see the TRI Basic Data Files or TRI Basic Plus Data Files webpages.

The TRI Basic Plus data files consist of .zip files for each U.S. state and territory, plus .zip files for national data and federal facility data. Collectively, they contain all the data submitted by facilities on the TRI Reporting Form A and Form R (except Schedule 1) for a specific year. For detailed descriptions of the contents in these files, see Guidance for Using Historical TRI "Basic Plus" Data Files.

TRI National Data

Data from all TRI facilities that reported for calendar year 2008. Each .exe file contains a tab-delimited text file. Click on one of the links in the list below to download that file.

Note: Quantities of dioxin and dioxin-like compounds are reported in grams; all other chemicals are reported in pounds.

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TRI Federal Facility Data

The TRI Federal Facility Files are seven tab-delimited text files zipped into one .exe file. Collectively, these files contain all of the 2008 TRI data reported by federally owned facilities. Some federal government facilities are operated by contractors; these are known as Government Owned, Contractor Operated (GOCO) facilities. In cases where both the governmental entity and the GOCO contractor have both reported data for a facility, the data submitted by the federal entity is used and appears in the Federal Facility File set. In cases where only the GOCO contractor has reported, the GOCO contractor data appear in the file.

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TRI State Data

In the table below are links to .exe files for each state and territory. Within these .exe files are seven tab-delimited text files that collectively contain all of the 2008 TRI data for that state or territory. 

Alabama Alaska American Samoa Arizona
Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut
Delaware District of Columbia Florida Georgia
Guam Hawaii Idaho Illinois
Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky
Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts
Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri
Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire
New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina
North Dakota Northern Marianas Ohio Oklahoma
Oregon Pennsylvania Puerto Rico Rhode Island
South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas
Utah Vermont Virgin Islands Virginia
Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming

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