2012 TRI National Analysis Basic Plus Data Files
The downloadable data files on this webpage contain the Toxics Release Inventory (TRI) data for calendar year 2012, originally made available in the fall of 2013. Please note that these files don't reflect any data revisions or withdrawals submitted by facilities since the fall of 2013. If you're looking for the most current 2012 TRI data, please see the TRI Basic Data Files or TRI Basic Plus Data Files webpages.
The TRI Basic Plus data files consist of .zip files for each U.S. state and territory, plus .zip files for federal facility data and national data. Collectively, they contain all the data submitted by facilities on the TRI Reporting Form A and Form R (except Schedule 1) for a specific year. Within each .zip file are eight tab-delimited text files (see the list below). For detailed descriptions of the contents in these files, see Guidance for Using Historical TRI "Basic Plus" Data Files.
The eight file types in TRI Basic Plus data files are:
- 1: Facility, Chemical, Releases and Other Waste Management Summary Information
- 2a: Detailed Source Reduction Activities and Methods
- 2b: Detailed On-Site Waste Treatment Methods and Efficiency
- 3a: Details of Transfers Off-site
- 3b: Details of Transfers to Publicly-Owned Treatment Works (POTW)
- 4: Details of Facility Information
- 5: Additional Information on Source Reduction, Recycling and Pollution Control
- 6: Additional Information on Miscellaneous and Optional
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