How to Use the Managing and Transforming Waste Streams Tool
Older computers and/or browsers may not have all functionality, e.g., for searching and filtering of terms in the online tool. Using the spreadsheet version found in the box at right may be a better alternative if this is the case.
There are several approaches to customizing the content displayed in the online tool.
- Scroll Through Each Measure Consecutively
For measures your community has already implemented or that may not be a current priority to explore, use the “Hide” checkbox in the 2nd column to remove them from view. Use the “Highlight” checkbox in the 3rd column to identify measures of particular interest. Click on the "Sector" column heading if you would like to sort the table alphabetically by sector. - Filter (i.e., narrow down) the Measures Displayed According to Qualitative Rankings for Implementation Related Factors
The last six columns enable filtering the table's content based on factors related to implementation. Each of the six columns contains a drop down menu in the 2nd row. (Note: selecting multiple filters at the same time can significantly narrow the list of measures displayed.)
To filter the list of measures based on Diversion Potential, go to the column labeled “Diversion Potential”, click on the drop down menu, and select “High”. This will display only the policies & programs ranked High for Diversion Potential. To display measures ranked either Medium or High for Diversion Potential, select "Med/High" in the drop down menu. Selecting "All" will display all measures (ranked Low, Medium, or High).
Press the “Reset to default view” button at the top left to remove any drop down selections made and restore the table to its original view. (Note: this will also remove any Hide or Highlight selections.) - Search by “Sector” or “Material or Product Group” to Narrow the Measures Displayed
Hover your cursor over the columns labeled "Sector" and "Material or Product Group" to view the terms used in each column, then type a term of interest into the search box beneath the header. For example, by typing "organics" in the search box for the “Material or Product Group” column, the table will display only policies & programs related to food or yard waste, soiled paper, or pet waste. Simply delete the term from the search box to return the table to its default setting. - Combine the Above Approaches