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General Permits and Permits by Rule Rulemaking for Indian Country - 5 Source Categories

General Permits and Permits by Rule, Final Action - 5 Source Categories, April 17, 2015

EPA finalized options to simplify the Clean Air Act permitting process for certain smaller sources of air pollution commonly found in Indian country.  The action will ensure that air quality in Indian country is protected by facilitating the implementation of the Federal Indian Country Minor New Source Review rule issued by EPA in July 2011.  The action will impact 5 source categories. More Information.

General Permits and Permits by Rule, Proposed Action - 5 Source Categories, December 12, 2013

EPA proposed options to simplify the Clean Air Act permitting process for certain smaller sources of air pollution commonly found in Indian country. The action would ensure that air quality in Indian country is protected by facilitating the implementation of the Federal Indian Country Minor New Source Review rule issued by EPA in July 2011. The action would impact 5 source categories. More Information.