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Tribal Air - Other Upcoming Webinars


3-Part Webinar Series

National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS)

The U.S. Environmental Protection agency (EPA) hosted a three-part webinar series on the National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) for communities.

Under the Clean Air Act (CAA), the EPA is required to set the NAAQS and review those standards every five years for six common air pollutants (also known as "criteria" air pollutants). There are NAAQS for ground-level ozone (O3); particulate matter (PM); carbon monoxide (CO), lead (Pb), sulfur dioxide (SO2), and nitrogen dioxide (NO2). These criteria air pollutants are found all across the United States and can harm your health, the environment, and cause property damage.

In this webinar series you will learn how the EPA: 1) sets, reviews and revises the primary (health) and secondary (environmental) standards; 2) designate areas that are meeting or not meeting these standards; and 3) works with areas to meet and maintain these standards.

During each 90 minute webinar, there was an overview presentation of the topic followed by a question and answer session.


Webinar #1: NAAQS (101)

(This session  provided a general overview of the CAA and how the NAAQS are set, reviewed & revised and why this is important to the community.)

Webinar #2: NAAQS - Designations

(This session  discussed the designations process, the different categories (i.e., attainment, nonattainment, and unclassifiable), and what it means if your area does not meet the NAAQS and what role the community can play in the designations process.)

Webinar #3: NAAQS - Implementation

(This session  discussed how to attain & maintain the NAAQS and what role the community can play in the implementation process.)

For questions about the webinars, please contact Rhonda Wright at