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Pollution Prevention (P2) Grant Program

Detailed information about this program is below:

Category Information About This Specific Program
Title Pollution Prevention (P2) Grant Program, Catalogue of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) Number 66.708
Purpose This program supports P2 technical assistance services and/or training for businesses to reduce and/or eliminate pollution from air, water and/or land.
Type of Assistance Grant, Cooperative Agreement
Eligible Applicants Federally-recognized Tribes, Consortia or Intertribal Consortia, State/Territorial Agencies, Colleges and Universities (that are instrumentalities of a state)
Eligible Activities Technical assistance and training available to businesses seeking information about source reduction opportunities, including funding for experts to provide on-site technical advice to businesses and to assist in the development of a source reduction plan. Specifically, activities that encourage education and training in P2/source reduction techniques and applications through applying one or more of the P2 program's National Emphasis Areas:
  1. Business-Based Pollution Prevention Solutions Supporting Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) Priorities and Chemical Safety;
  2. Food Manufacturing and Processing; and
  3. State or Community Approaches to Hazardous Materials Source Reduction.
Information sharing among state and local technical assistance programs, businesses and industry.
Excluded Activities/Other Restrictions The program does not support projects that focus on recycling, reuse, waste removal or any activity that alters the physical, chemical or biological characteristics or the volume of a hazardous substance, pollutant or contaminant through a process or activity that is not integral to and necessary for the production of a product or essential to providing a service
Pre-Funding Requirements (if applicable) Not applicable
Typical Award Amount (if applicable)

From $40,000-$500,000 in a two-year funding period (or between $20,000 - $250,000 incrementally-funded per year).
Average award  $80,000 per year. EPA Regions may opt to offer lower award caps. Additional information is provided in the annual funding availability request.

Total Awarded Fiscal Year 2018 and 2019 $4,740,917 awarded in FY 2018 and $4,579,602 awarded in FY 2019.
Match Requirement (if applicable) 50 percent match; for tribal governments that place P2 grant activities into a performance partnership grant (PPG), the match for the federally recognized tribe is reduced to 5 percent. The match may be issued in the form of cash and/or in-kind contributions.
Solicitation Process/Timeline Proposal deadline is usually in the late spring.
Proposal Elements/Scoring Criteria Proposal review information and criteria are available in the funding availability request.
Contact Information (primary contact and website or other source) Michele Amhaz
Phone: (202) 564-8857
CFDA Number 66.708 web page
Website Information about Successful Tribal Applicants/Projects Grant Programs for Pollution Prevention website
Headquarters Office U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Office of Chemical Safety & Pollution Prevention
Office of Pollution Prevention and Toxics
1200 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW (MC 7409M)
Washington, D.C. 20460