The Drought Planning Handbook: Emergency Drinking Water Supply for California Indian Tribes is a collaborative effort of the Indian Health Service (IHS), the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA), and 11 other California and federal agencies to enhance cross-agency coordination and readiness in responding to the emergency drinking water supply needs of tribes impacted by our prolonged drought.
This Handbook contains valuable information on the multitude of state and federal agency programs and resources that are available to address emergency drinking water supply issues, through either direct provision of drinking water or indirect means such as technical assistance and coordination. The Drought Planning Handbook: Emergency Drinking Water Supply for California Indian Tribes(43 pp, 4.3 MB, About PDF) and more information about drought in California can be found at the Indian Health Service website.
IHS and EPA Letter Introducing Drought Planning Handbook for California Indian Tribes (PDF)(1 pg, 170 K,
March 2, 2016)
This letter was sent to tribal leaders in California to introduce the new drought planning handbook.