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The Region 9 Tribal Operations Committee (RTOC) is a working committee composed of Region 9 EPA personnel and Region 9 tribal representatives. The RTOC has developed this Strategic Plan to address the issues the RTOC has identified and the activities the RTOC intends to carry out between October 1, 2015 and September 30, 2017.
The Plan consolidates into one document a summary of RTOC operations, overarching strategic directions and proposed key actions; the objectives, strategies and tasks identified by and/or assigned by the RTOC to various workgroups to address media-specific and cross-media issues as developed by the Region 9 Tribal Caucus; and other important information to guide the work of the RTOC and ensure its continued success. The RTOC intends to use this Strategic Plan as a working document, to review it annually, and update it biannually or more often as priorities, needs and circumstances change.
- R9 Tribal Caucus Workgroup Action Plans(49 pp, 74 K, 8/3/2015)
Region 9 Regional Tribal Operations Committee Strategic Plan (PDF)(10 pp, 1 MB,
RTOC has developed this Strategic Plan to address the issues the RTOC has identified and the activities the RTOC intends to carry out between October 1, 2015 and September 30, 2017.