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Region 6 Tribal Clean Water Act (CWA) Funding-FY2021

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Region 6 Water Division, State/Tribal Programs Section is soliciting applications and workplans for the Fiscal Year (FY) 2021 Clean Water Act (CWA) 106 Tribal Water Pollution Control Program. Funding under the CWA §106 program is available to Federally recognized Indian tribes approved for Treatment in the Same Manner as a State (TAS) for CWA §106. The Water Pollution Control Program assists tribes in achieving environmental results by administering programs for the prevention, reduction, and elimination of water pollution.

To apply for FY 2021 CWA §106 funds, a full grant application, workplan and budget must be received by electronic submission through by 11:59 pm CST on Friday, March 5, 2021.

EPA is also soliciting applications and workplans for the Fiscal Year (FY) 2021 CWA §319 Nonpoint Source (NPS) Pollution Control Program. Funding under the CWA §319 program is available to Federally recognized Indian tribes approved for Treatment in the Same Manner as a State (TAS) for CWA §319. The Nonpoint Source Pollution Control Program supports tribal assessment and management of NPS pollution problems and threats through outreach and education, training, development of watershed-based plans, riparian management, livestock management, lake and stream protection and restoration, NPS ordinance development, and many other eligible activities. Many NPS pollution control activities can be directly tied to Water Quality improvements and are usually supported by the water quality monitoring results funded through the CWA §106 program.

To be eligible for CWA Section 319 grants under this funding opportunity, tribes must have received TAS eligibility for the CWA Section 319 program by October 9, 2020. For FY 2021 CWA §319 funds, a full grant application is due by electronic submission through by 11:59 pm CST on Friday, February 26, 2021. (Please contact your project officer for more information).

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