EPA's Role in Safe Drinking Water on Tribal Lands
EPA Assistance to Tribes
EPA implements the Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) and program requirements on tribal lands. EPA Regions help tribal water systems meet these regulations and requirements so that they can deliver safe drinking water to their tribal community.
Several types of assistance that EPA provides for tribal systems:
Technical Assistance
At tribal utilities, EPA’s Public Water Systems Supervision (PWSS) program:
Implements the National Primary Drinking Water Regulations (NPDWRs) and requirements;
Ensures compliance; and
Provides training and technical assistance.
EPA also helps to build the public water system’s capacity by providing technical assistance as part of the PWSS grant program.
Water System Infrastructure Assistance
EPA’s Drinking Water Infrastructure Grant – Tribal Set Aside (DWIG TSA) Program provides resources to assists tribes in improving water system infrastructure. Community water systems and non-profit non-community water systems serving tribal populations are eligible for project funding.
WIIN Act Tribal Grants
The 2016 Water Infrastructure Improvements for the Nation Act (WIIN Act) addresses, supports, and improves America's drinking water infrastructure. Included in the WIIN Act are three new tribal drinking water grants that promote public health and the protection of the environment in tribal communities. The three grant programs include: