TSCA CBI Training - Violations
If your supervisor determines that there is a possible violation of procedures, he/she will forward this information to the EPA OPPT Environmental Assistance Division (EAD) Director. The EAD director will provide this information to the OPPT TSCA Security Staff (TSS), who will determine if an investigation is necessary. If after reviewing the written report, TSS determines that the facts do not warrant an investigation, the EAD director will notify the employee's division director, in writing, of this finding.
In the event that an investigation is warranted, TSS will proceed and once complete, provide the director of the EAD with an ROI (Report of Investigation), which will contain the following:
- A recitation of the factual circumstances of the violation.
- Conclusions, including :
- Probability that an improper violation occurred.
- Nature and degree of any violation.
- Recommendations for remedial action or mitigation, including a report forwarded to the affected employee and supervisor identifying procedures for handling, using, and storing TSCA CBI.
The length and detail of this report is determined by the nature, degree and circumstances of the alleged violation.