Accomplishments: Bronx and Harlem Urban Waters Location
The Bronx and Harlem River Watersheds Partnership is developing a plan Exit for a shoreline access project along the Hudson River Estuary in the Bronx at a site known as Bridge Park South. The site will revitalize over 215,000 square feet of unused waterfront parkland using state funding. The project will focus on access planning for environmental education and habitat enhancement, and will include a site survey and analysis, hydrodynamic assessment, community outreach and a concept design. The plan will be finalized in 2019.
Alewife herring return to the Bronx River
In April 2017, NYC Parks, in partnership with the Bronx River Alliance, Wildlife Conservation Society, and the Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection, stocked 400 alewife herring in the Bronx River Exit. This stocking is one piece in an on-going effort to re-establish a self-sustaining population of these native fish, including completion of a fish ladder over the 182nd Street dam in 2015.
Ambassador is brought on board
In February 2017, the Hudson River Foundation and the New York-New Jersey Harbor & Estuary Program, in collaboration with USGS, EPA, & the Natural Areas Conservancy & NYC Parks Natural Resources Group, hired an Ambassador to support and coordinate efforts between partner agencies and local stakeholders.
USGS publishes comprehensive water quality review on the Harlem River
In cooperation with the New York City Department of Education, USGS led an effort to compile over 100 years of water quality data and provide analyses of the current water quality conditions in the Harlem River. The report can be accessed through the USGS Publication Warehouse via this link:
$10m in TIGER funding for Bronx River greenway connections
DOI was instrumental in helping NYC Parks & Bronx River Alliance obtain a $10 million award Exitthrough the U.S. Department of Transportation’s Transportation Investment Generating Economic Recovery (TIGER) Discretionary Grant program in 2015. This TIGER award will help construct critical links needed to safely connect roughly 400,000 South Bronx residents to parkland and the Bronx River over rail lines, improve nine acres of parkland, and mark the completion of key piece of a greenway system that will ultimately run for 23 miles along the entire length of the Bronx River.
Demonstration pop-up wetland captures stormwater from Harlem River elevated highway
In 2013, Bronx Council for Environmental Quality (BCEQ), working with NYC Parks, USGS, and other partners, installed an innovative pop-up wetland Exitto capture stormwater runoff from an elevated highway adjacent to the Harlem River.
USGS install real-time water quality data kiosk in Bronx Zoo
USGS (with support from NOAA, Wildlife Conservation Society, & NYC Parks) constructed an educational kiosk at the Bronx Zoo that displays real-time Bronx River conditions to zoo patrons.
Bronx River gets a National Water Trail
With the help of NPS, the Bronx River Blueway was designated as one of the first National Water Trails in 2012. This designation gives the river national promotion & visibility as well as opportunities to obtain technical assistance and funding for water trail projects.
Harlem River Greenway Vision Plan is Published
A community-initiated vision plan for a continuous Harlem River greenway Exitin the Bronx was published by The Trust for Public Land and the Harlem River Working Group in 2012.
Harlem & Bronx Rivers Designated as an Urban Waters Federal Partnership Location