Lake Pontchartrain Area/New Orleans (Louisiana) Meetings & Events
On this page:
- November 2015
- July 2015
- May 2015
- March 2015
- Sept - October 2014
- July - August 2014
- May - June 2014
- March 2014
- December 2013
- November 2013
- October 2013
- June 2013
- January 2013
April 2017
The partnership held a meeting on April 19th focused on "Citizen-driven Small Scale Restoration and Habitat Projects." Projects from the US Fish and Wildlife Service, the Sewerage and Water Board of New Orleans, and the Gulf Restoration Network were showcased.
January 2017
The locally run partnership held an all-partners meeting. Public access was the theme of the meeting. Project updates were also given on various on-going projects, including the LaFitte Greenway. The next meeting will be in April.
November 2015
The Strategic and Transition Planning Workshop #3 has outlined the next steps of the New Orleans/Lake Pontchartrain Urban Waters Federal Partnership. The goal of the workshop was to finalize ideas for developing a strategic plan to implement the following transition processes:
- Identify local leadership to take over coordination of the partnership
- Identify themes, process, and structure of workgroups moving forward
Bill Honder, Division Director for EPA Region 6 Water Qualit Protection Division, attended this final workshop. The workshop was held November 3rd at the New Orleans BioInnovation Center.
Strategic and Transition Planning Workshop #3 (November 3, 2015) at the New Orleans BioInnovation Center Exit
July 2015
July 2015 Workshop #2
- Meeting Notes from the July 2015 Local/State/Federal Partners Discussion
- Agenda for the July 2015 Local/State/Federal Partners Meeting on the New Orleans/Lake Pontchartrain Urban Waters Location
- Potential Themes from the May 2015 Meeting on the New Orleans/Lake Pontchartrain Urban Waters Parters Location
May 2015
- May 2015 Workshop # 1
March 2015
- March 2015 Partnership Meeting:
September-October 2014
- 2014 WEF Community Service Project (September 27 – October 1, 2014)
- September 2014 Partnership Meeting:
- Agenda from the September 2014 Partnership Meeting for the New Orleans/Lake Pontchartrain Urban Waters Location
- Sewage and Water Board of New Orleans Green Infrastructure Water Quality Monitoring Project
- Go Jump in the Lake! Restoring Access to New Orleans Lakefront to Increase Recreation, Learning
- Enhancing the Green Slice: Addressing Community Concerns through Interdisciplinary Research, Education, and Engagement
- Evaluating the Impact of Stormwater Mitigation on Mosquito Populations, Water Quality, and Quality of Life in New Orleans, Louisiana
- Presentation from Water Wise NOLA
- Citizen-Led Monitoring of Urban Wetland Restoration in New Orleans
July 28 - August 1, 2014
Conference on Ecological and Ecosystem Restoration (July 28 – August 1, 2014) – Session on Pontchartrain Basin Exit
May-June 2014
March 2014
- 2014 Water Challenge (March 24, 2014) Exit
- State of the Coast (March 18-20, 2014) – Several UW partners presenting Exit
December 2013
- December 2013 Meeting Notes
- New Orleans/Lake Pontchartrain Urban Waters Partnership Meeting Slides - December 17, 2013
- Agenda: Federal Partners Face-to-Face Meeting - December 17, 2013
November 2013
Summary of the 2013 Smart Growth Summit in Baton Rouge — Urban Waters Panel on Tuesday, November 19, 2013 at 1:15 PM
H2O Overview: How to Learn from the New Orleans Urban Waters Partnership
- Dr. John Lopez, Lake Pontchartrain Basin Foundation: Reconnecting Urban Communities with our Waterways
- Cedric S. Grant, Deputy Mayor of Facilities, Infrastructure and Community Development, City of New Orleans
- Danny Wiegand, EPA Urban Water Ambassador to New Orleans: How to Learn from the New Orleans Urban Waters Partnership
- Ramiro Diaz, Waggonner & Ball Architects: How to Learn from the New Orleans Urban Waters Partnership
- MODERATOR: Jeanne-Marie Ganucheau, Smart Growth Coordinator, U.S. Senator Mary Landrieu's Office
- This panel discussion covered the exciting urban waters movement taking place in New Orleans including the EPA led Urban Waters Partnership launched in 2011 and the Greater New Orleans Urban Water Plan released in September 2013. The panel discussed these two ongoing efforts that are interconnected in their objectives to increase connection to urban waters in New Orleans and ultimately improve water quality and revitalize communities.
October 2013
- October 2013 Meeting Notes
- New Orleans/Lake Pontchartrain Urban Waters Partnership Meeting - October 30, 2013
- Agenda: Partnership Face-to-Face Meeting - October 30, 2013
June 2013
- New Orleans/Lake Pontchartrain Urban Waters Partnership Meeting - June 5, 2013
- Agenda: Partnership Face-to-Face Meeting - June 5, 2013
- Agenda: Federal Partners Face-to-Face Meeting - June 5, 2013
- Transcript Of New Orleans/Lake Pontchartrain Urban Waters Pilot Federal Partners, Agencies, and Stakeholders Meeting - June 5, 2013