News about South Platte Watershed
March, 2013
Forest to Faucet: Why National Forests Are More Than Recreational Spaces Exit
Lessons learned from Hayman restoration being applied to Waldo Rehab Restoration at Flying W Ranch to avoid flooding in Mountain Shadows Exit
February, 2013
Rocky Mountain Greenway
On Monday, February 18, 2013, Interior Secretary Ken Salazar, Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood, Colorado Governor John Hickenlooper, and Kate Kramer from Sand Creek Regional Greenway made an important announcement on the Rocky Mountain Greenway and to celebrate the expansion of the Rocky Flats National Wildlife Refuge. Department of Transportation awarded $1.735 million for 7 miles of trails along the Rocky Mountain Greenway. The Rocky Mountain Greenway will connect the Rocky Mountain Arsenal and Rocky Flats National Wildlife Refuges with the Two Ponds Refuge and Rocky Mountain National Park. The Rocky Mountain Greenway is part of Department of Interior’s America’s Great Outdoors Initiative and also the Urban Waters Federal Partnership.
- $2 million transit grant fills gaps in Rocky Mountain Greenway Exit
- Funding Announced For Rocky Mountain Greenway Exit
- Rocky Mountain Greenway Exit
- New funding announced for Rocky Mountain Greenway Exit
November, 2012
July/August, 2012
Urban Water Forestry Projects, page 18 (PDF)(40 pp, 5.6 MB, About PDF)
June, 2012
New Freedom Park
- New park, featuring urban garden and playground, opens in east Denver Exit
- New Park A Blessing To Refugee Community In Denver Exit
May, 2012
Smart Growth America, Spotlight on Sustainability: Denver, CO Exit
South Platte Watershed from the Headwaters to the Denver Metropolitan Area (Colorado) Exit
April, 2012
February, 2012
Fisheries restoration(originally posted Dec, 2011; updated Feb, 2012) Exit
December, 2011
Suncor benzene seepage and goo cleanup by EPA's emergency response program
- Benzene is fouling drinking water at Suncor refinery and chemicals are seeping directly into Sand Creek Exit
- Benzene levels remained elevated in Sand Creek after mitigation began; levels lower in the Platte Exit
- Cleanup crews attack toxic goo in South Platte north of Denver Exit
November, 2011
River-restoration guru to target creek in Colorado's Hayman wildfire area Exit