Project Resources Needs for Proctor Creek Watershed
The following shows estimated costs for Partnership operations and projects in Proctor Creek.
Resources requested from National Project Managers (NPMs) and Federal Partners
Travel and training dollars to make a sustained visible difference in the communities $3,000
Office of Air and Radiation (OAR)
Lead Enforcement Training, education and outreach $5,000
Office of Children's Health Protection (OCHP)
Third training funded in FY15 for Healthy Homes Training $5,000
Recipes for Healthy Children Training $5,000
Office of Chemical Safety and Pollution Prevention (OCSPP)
Proctor Creek Community Eco-Tour Guide Project $15,000 (possibly 10k from OEJS)
Office of Water (OW)
Funding for two years for an Urban Waters Federal Partnership Ambassador for Proctor Creek, an Urban Waters Federal Partner designee. $60,000 ea year for 2 years ($120,000 total) REC $130,000
Project Development and Management Tool (HQ to determine cost in collaboration with WPD, (SCWB))
Mediation contractor and community facilitator funding to assist EPA R4 in community engagement (EPA step 1 and 2 of 3 step plan) $20,000 REC
Contract Support for Grants Writing and Management Workshop $25,000 REC
Contract resources for facilitation and funding to convene EPA’s 3rd step meeting of all stakeholders, partners, community, and media $15,000 REC
Contract support to review the Urban Waters Small Grants in the fall in anticipation of the large number of proposals and because the region will determine the FY15/16 awards. $10,000
Contract facilitation and funding for UWSG recipient/federal partners forum $5,000
Stream Gauges/Monitoring and Sampling with SESD :
$21,000 (ESAT Funds up for grabs)
***REC= Funds Received