Project Updates for Grand River/Grand Rapids
The Grand River/Grand Rapids Partnership recognizes the restoration of the historic rapids in the Grand River, running through downtown Grand Rapids, is the catalyst for an exciting opportunity to revitalize the river corridor and create significant social, environmental, and economic benefits.
The partnership consisting of members from Grand Rapids WhiteWater, River Restoration Inc., The City of Grand Rapids, Downtown Grand Rapids, Inc. and many others is currently working to develop a shared vision for the restored river, downtown area, and the river banks. There is deliberate focus on raising needed funds, receiving required permits, and putting in place a sustainable long-term organizational structure to manage the restoration and revitalization effort.
New funding for habitat restoration
Grand Rapids Whitewater has received $4 million of an $8 million federal grant. The funding will support habitat restoration for fish and endangered species in the Grand River through downtown Grand Rapids as well as support to implement water quality improvements. A local news article quoted Urban Waters Ambassador Matt Chapman saying the project has received a "big boost" as they start to receive significant federal support.
Read the article in full here. Exit
Mayor of Grand Rapids discusses Urban Waters
During a segment of CSPAN, Mayor Rosalynn Bliss discussed Grand Rapids' involvement with Urban Waters and the area's water history. Mayor Bliss mentioned the city's current efforts to remove dams from the river to restor it to its natural condition, a $30 million endeavor.
View the video clip here. Exit
Steering Committee Report
The Grand River Restoration Steering Committee has completed its work assuring coordination of the various planning studies to create a vision for the restored river, downtown, and the river banks. The committee is proud of its accomplishments and looks forward to assisting in the transition from vision to implementation. The Grand River Restoration Steering Committee's final report summarizes the committee’s charge, accomplishments, and recommended actions.