Zone 2, USS Lead Superfund Site
Update - Jan. 2021
Zone 2 Soil Remediation
The 2020 construction season began in April with a total of 28 properties targeted for cleanup. As of the end of the 2020 construction season, all 28 remaining residential properties were excavated and restored in Zone 2. Three non-residential properties were sampled in the fall of 2020 and two require remediation. EPA estimates that remediation of these two non-residential properties will take place in 2021.
The parties responsible for the contamination continued to conduct the 2020 cleanup work under a legal framework called a Unilateral Administrative Order (UAO) with EPA oversight during the remediation activities. Contaminated soil from Zone 2 was transported to a licensed landfill for proper disposal.
Zone 2 Indoor Dust Sampling and Cleanings
There were no properties sampled for interior dust during the 2020 construction season in Zone 2. Two property owners requested deferral of interior dust sampling at their properties until 2021.
Property owners who could not be reached for indoor dust sampling or cleaning in previous construction seasons were offered the option to receive an indoor cleaning kit.
Zone 2: The residential area of the Calumet neighborhood located between the West Calumet Housing Complex on the west, the Elgin Joliet and Eastern Railway on the east, E. 151st Street to the south and E. Chicago Avenue to the north. There are 597 properties in zone 2.
Information for Residents in Zone 2
Health Concerns
Including childhood lead exposure and blood lead testing
City of East Chicago Health Department
100 W. Chicago Ave.
Lead Testing hours at the Health Department
Monday - Friday
9 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
1 p.m. - 3 p.m.
(Results will return between 1 - 2 weeks)
Indiana State Department of Health
2 N. Meridian St.
Your Community Health Center
1313 W. Chicago Ave.
Indiana Lead Protection Program
If your home was built before 1978, there is a good chance it has lead-based paint. The Indiana Lead Protection Program can help protect your family from lead in your home.
About the Program
FREE lead testing and lead hazard control including health and safety repairs to qualifying homes. The program is available to qualified homeowners, rental occupants and rental property owners. Lead-hazard repair work may include windows, doors, painting and special cleaning.
There is NO COST whether you own or rent your home. Rental property owners must also agree to participate in the program before work can begin on your unit. For more information about Indiana's Lead Protection Program please visit their website.