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USS Lead Superfund Site

The USS Lead Superfund site is located in East Chicago, Indiana. The site includes part of the former USS Lead facility along with nearby commercial, municipal and residential areas.  The primary contaminants of concern are lead and arsenic. The USS Lead site was listed on the National Priorities List of the worst contaminated sites in the country in 2009. The Superfund site is broken into two Operable Units. The first, OU1, has been divided into three zones. These zones include a public housing complex and residential properties. OU2 includes soil at the former USS Lead facility, as well as groundwater beneath both that facility and the residential neighborhoods. 

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In 2020, EPA continued supervising the cleanup of contaminated soil at the USS Lead Superfund site in East Chicago, Indiana. This year’s cleanup included the last 28 residential properties in Zone 2, and 10 non-residential properties in Zone 3.