Proposed Rulemaking—E15 Fuel Dispenser Labeling and Compatibility with Underground Storage Tanks
EPA’s Administrator signed a notice of proposed rulemaking regarding E15 labeling on fuel dispensers and UST system compatibility provisions.
About the UST system compatibility section of the proposed rulemaking
EPA is proposing revisions to the 2015 UST regulation. Specifically, EPA is proposing to grant certain allowances for owners and operators in demonstrating compatibility, making it easier for them to meet the current requirements. EPA is also proposing a new requirement that in the future when UST systems are installed, or UST equipment and components are replaced, they must be constructed with equipment and components that are compatible with ethanol blends up to 100 percent; this requirement will be effective within one year of the effective date of the final rule.
EPA is also proposing to change the 2015 state program approval regulation and make it consistent with the proposed revisions of the compatibility requirements in the 2015 UST regulation. These rule changes, when final, will be effective in states without state program approval and in Indian Country. In all other states and territories, the states and territories will have three years from the final rule date to update their regulations as part of their state program approval.
Notice of Proposed Rulemaking: E15 Fuel Dispenser Labeling and Compatibility with Underground Storage Tanks (PDF)(11 pp, 417 K, About PDF); see page 5099 for the E 15 Compatibility with Underground Storage Tanks section.
EPA will accept comments on the proposed rulemaking for 90 days.
For more information, contact Elizabeth McDermott at or 202-564-0646.