In July 2015, EPA revised the federal UST regulation. This was the first major revision to the UST regulation since 1988. The revision strengthened the 1988 UST regulation by increasing emphasis on properly operating and maintaining UST equipment. To ensure our compliance performance measures reflect the 2015 UST regulation, EPA and the Association of State and Territorial Solid Waste Management Officials coordinated to update our existing compliance performance measures and add new measures. We did not change the corrective action performance measures; they remain the same. These updates supersede the Significant Operational Compliance (SOC) measures. States will not begin reporting on the updated and new compliance measures, however, until they have fully implemented their revised UST regulations.
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Questions and Answers about Updated and New UST Compliance Performance Measures (PDF)(5 pp, 85 K)
In this document, EPA’s Office of Underground Storage Tanks (OUST) discusses our efforts to update existing and develop new underground storage tank (UST) compliance performance measures, establish reporting requirements, determine facilities’ compliance, and report on more stringent requirements.
Meeting UST Compliance Performance Measures: Guide for Inspectors (PDF)(12 pp, 210 K)
This document provides underground storage tank (UST) inspectors with information to use in determining whether facilities meet the UST compliance performance measures. This document will also help inspectors calculate EPA’s technical compliance rate.