(EPA-510-B-09-001). March 2009.
This 25th anniversary booklet provides underground storage tank (UST) stakeholders with information about the accomplishments of the tanks program over the past quarter century. EPA and its state, territorial, and tribal partners have worked together and accomplished much to protect our environment from releases at underground tank facilities, such as gas stations. This 20-page booklet includes an overview and discusses inspecting USTs, reusing abandoned gas stations, updating UST regulations, storing new fuels, and greening UST operations and cleanups.
This document is available in full page and booklet versions. The booklet version is formatted for double-sided printing and folds into a 5.5" x 8.5" booklet. On your computer's print properties, select "print on both sides" and "flip pages up"; under orientation, select "portrait".
You may need a PDF reader to view some of the files on this page. See EPA’s About PDF page to learn more.- Underground Storage Tank Program: 25 Years of Protecting Our Land and Water (EPA-510-B-09-001). March 2009. Screen Version. (PDF)(10 pp, 9 MB)
- Underground Storage Tank Program: 25 Years of Protecting Our Land and Water (EPA-510-B-09-001). March 2009. Booklet Version. (PDF)(10 pp, 10 MB)
- Memorandum: 25 Years of the Underground Storage Tanks Program (PDF)(2 pp, 22 K)
- Underground Storage Tank Program 25th Anniversary Timeline (PDF)(1 pg, 41 K)