Underground Storage Tank (UST) Corrective Action Training
These trainings provide underground storage tank (UST) stakeholders with information about cleaning up UST releases.
CLU-IN: EPA’s Contaminated Site Clean-Up Information website provides information about innovative treatment and site characterization technologies for waste remediation stakeholders.
- High Resolution Site Characterization: Pragmatic Approaches to Remediation Success
In 2018, EPA hosted this webinar presented by Wisconsin's Department of Natural Resources and EPA's Environmental Response Team. The webinar included case studies demonstrating high resolution site characterization strategies to support and improve site remediation. - Best Management and Technical Practices for Site Assessment and Remediation
In 2015, EPA developed this two-part, six hour site assessment and remediation training webinar. Topics focus on innovative analytical techniques, sampling strategies, and remediation technologies that are relevant to contaminated UST sites. A question and answer follow-up session is included in the webinar. - Petroleum Vapor Intrusion: Fundamentals of Screening, Investigation, and Management
In 2014, the Interstate Technology and Regulatory Council sponsored training based on empirical data and recent research to support PVI decision making under different regulatory frameworks. - Practical Models to Support Remediation Strategy Decision-Making REMFuel/REMChlor – Parts 1-5
In 2012, EPA developed this five-part webinar to provide experience using publicly-available simulation and data analysis tools that can be used to support remediation decisions and strategy development for sites contaminated by chlorinated solvents, petroleum hydrocarbons, or other constituents.
NEIWPCC: The New England Interstate Water Pollution Control Commission Exit offers LUST/Corrective Action Webinars Exit:
- 2017 Risk Based Corrective Action (RBCA) Unit 1
- 2017 LNAPL Conceptual Site Models
- 2016 Emerging Cleanup Technology
- 2016 Smart Characterization - The New Era of Site Investigations
- 2015 Effective Use of High Resolution Tools for LNAPL Cost Management
- 2014 Methane from Biofuels
- 2012 Petroleum Vapor Intrusion