National Vehicle and Fuel Emissions Laboratory (NVFEL) 2012 Vehicle Technology Showcase

On December 5th, 2012, EPA's National Vehicle and Fuel Emissions Laboratory (NVFEL) hosted the first annual Vehicle Technology Showcase to highlight technologies being brought to market that improve fuel economy and reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and to conduct an open panel discussion with industry experts regarding consumer acceptance of fuel economy technology.
NVFEL Vehicle Technology Showcase Partners:
- Society of Automotive Engineers
- Department of Energy
Click on the speaker's name to see photo and read highlights.
Opening Remarks:
Christopher Grundler, Director of EPA's Office of Transportation and Air Quality (OTAQ)
Technology Trends Overview:
Jeff Alson, Senior Policy Advisor, OTAQ
Discussion Panel Moderator:
Ed Nam, Director, Light Duty Vehicle and Small Engine Center, OTAQ
Robert Bienenfeld, Honda
Jake Fisher, Consumer Reports
Daniel Frakes, General Motors
David Greene, Department of Energy
Stuart Johnson, Volkswagen
Matthew Kevnick, Toyota
Alyssa Werthman, Ford
Advanced technology vehicles and components including EV, Hybrid, Clean Diesel, GDI (Gasoline Direct Injection), Alternative Fuels, Stop-Start, and more were displayed by:
- BorgWarner
- Bosch
- Ford
- General Motors
- Honda
- McLaren
- Mitsubishi
- Nissan
- Toyota
- Volkswagen
This brochure, presented at the NVFEL Vehicle Technology Showcase, explains how technology innovation is transforming the automotive market, increasing the number of high mileage and low carbon dioxide emission vehicles available to consumers, and enabling many vehicles to meet EPA's new carbon dioxide emission targets years ahead of schedule.You may need a PDF reader to view some of the files on this page. See EPA’s About PDF page to learn more.
- Technology Innovation: Transforming the Automotive Market (PDF) (8 pp, 64 K, EPA-420-F-12-077, December 2012)
This memorandum provides additional technical detail about the methodology used to develop the charts presented in the brochure above.
Related Information
- Light-Duty Automotive Technology: Carbon Dioxide Emissions, and Fuel Economy Trends
- If you want to know more about NVFEL and what we do here please see NVFEL and Office of Transportation and Air Quality.