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Verified Technologies for SmartWay and Clean Diesel

Various Technology—Biodiesel (1-100%)

Biodiesel: Diesel fuel oil modified with 0 to 100% biologically derived oils. The use of biodiesel fuel is one recognized retrofit technology used to reduce diesel engine emissions. Emission reduction information is provided below.

Technology specifications

Engine Model/Application

Highway, heavy duty, 2 & 4 cycle

Reduction in particulate matter (PM) 0-47%
Reduction in nitrogen oxide (NOx) 0-(-10)%
Reduction in hydrocarbons (HC) 0-67%
Reduction in carbon monoxide (CO) 0-47%


  • Reductions for all pollutants must be calculated for a particular biodiesel fuel. Download this  biodiesel reduction spreadsheet (XLS)(2 pp, 23 K, May 2007)  Free Viewers calculation file to use to determine reductions.
  • A negative value in the table above indicates an increase in that pollutant.
  • There are no data on biodiesel effects on engine durability, materials compatibility, fuel storage stability, lubricity, biodiesel production feedstocks or costs, cold flow properties, cost, renewability/full fuel lifecycle emissions.
  • There is a slight fuel economy penalty with biodiesel use. An approximate fuel penalty calculation can be made with calculation worksheets above.
  • Biodiesel fuel is composed of mono-alkyl esters of long chain fatty acids derived from vegetable oils or animal fats meeting the requirements of American Society of Testing and Materials (ASTM) D 6751.
  • A biodiesel blend is a mix of biodiesel fuel meeting ASTM D 6751 with petroleum-based diesel fuel, and designated BXX, where XX represents the volume percentage of biodiesel fuel in the mix.
  • EPA does not endorse the use of any particular company's product.