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Visibility and Haze

EPA Releases Regional Haze Reform Roadmap

On September 11, 2018, Acting Administrator Andrew Wheeler signed the Regional Haze Reform Roadmap, which directs EPA staff to take certain actions to ensure adequate support for states to enable timely and effective implementation of the regional haze program today and in the future. These actions are anchored in the regional haze program’s core statutory foundation and certain key principles. 

Over the next year, OAR will release a series of implementation tools and guidance documents that will help focus states’ efforts and reduce and streamline the time and resources needed to meet the statutory and regulatory requirements under the regional haze program. This information will support states in their SIP development processes and provide key improvements for the upcoming second planning period. In addition, the EPA will initiate a notice-and-comment rulemaking to address certain aspects of the EPA’s Regional Haze Rule.

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