May 30, 2012 - EPA has finalized a rule that allows the trading programs in the Cross-State Air Pollution Rule (CSAPR) to serve as an alternative to determining source-by-source Best Available Retrofit Technology (BART). This rule provides that states in the CSAPR region can substitute participation in CSAPR for source-specific BART for sulfur dioxide and/or nitrogen oxides emissions from power plants. EPA also finalized a limited disapproval of certain states' plans that previously relied on CAIR to improve visibility and substituted a Federal Implementation Plan (FIP) that relies on CSAPR.
- Rule (PDF) (18 pp, 352 K) - Federal Register - June 7, 2012
Note: the most recent revisions to the Regional Haze Rule were finalized in January 2017. 2017 Regional Haze Final Rule
You may need a PDF reader to view some of the files on this page. See EPA’s About PDF page to learn more.- Fact Sheet (PDF)(4 pp, 33 K, May 30, 2012)