Water Technology and Innovation
Water technology and innovation embraces forward-thinking applications and solutions to advance the nation’s clean and safe water goals. These solutions range from specific technologies to innovative approaches that enable the U.S. to better meet this challenge.
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Applying Water Innovation
Generating Energy from Wastewater in a Small New York Community
Wastewater treatment facility, Bath, NY. Photo credit: Jason Turgeon, EPA Region 1
To better understand real-world perspectives on the effectiveness of co-digestion as an energy recovery strategy, EPA is preparing to engage several wastewater treatment plants in voluntary dialogs about their experiences. The resulting technology assessment report will summarize their viewpoints on implementation, performance, financial implications, and lessons learned.
Learn about Generating Energy from Wastewater
EPA Program Recognizes Innovative Water Infrastructure Projects
EPA’s Clean Water SRF 2017 PISCES Program recognitions by location
The SRF gives states the flexibility to fund projects that address the highest-priority needs of their communities. Eleven categories of water infrastructure projects are eligible for SRF funding as well as a variety of types of funding assistance. SRF assistance is provided directly by state environmental agencies; instructions on how to apply can be found at local Clean Water SRF websites.
Learn about EPA’s Recognition Program for Innovative Water Infrastructure Projects
Technology Commercialization through the FAST Water Network
Adopting new technologies can seem risky with a minimal track record. The FAST Water Network gives technology developers a chance by offering space to conduct pilot projects.
Learn about Technology Commercialization
Innovations in Green Infrastructure Stormwater Community Planning and Design in Puerto Rico
Solutions to urban runoff and flooding for one city might not be a good fit for the next. EPA facilitates workshops to help ensure communities support solutions that are environmentally effective.
Learn about Innovations in Green Infrastructure
Economic Impact of Water Technology Innovation Clusters
Good things happen when those affected by water decisions meet in a collaborative way. EPA helps stakeholders form "clusters" that take on the challenges of tomorrow.
Learn about Economic Impact