Learn About the Water Pollution Control (Section 106) Grant Program
The Clean Water Act (CWA) is the foundation for the protection of surface water quality in the United States. Section 106 of the CWA (33 U.S. Code §1256), authorizes EPA to provide financial assistance to states (including territories and the District of Columbia), eligible interstate agencies, and eligible tribes.
EPA provides this financial assistance in the form of water pollution control (Section 106) grants. Section 106 grants provide funding to build and sustain effective water quality programs that ensure the health of our nation’s water bodies.
- Who is eligible to receive Section 106 funds?
- What programs and activities can Section 106 grants support?
- Funding history
Who is eligible to receive Section 106 funds?
The CWA provides funds to states, interstate agencies, and eligible tribal governments under section 106. For additional information on funding eligibility, see:
- State and interstate water pollution control grants under section 106 of the CWA
- Tribal water pollution control grants under section 106 of the CWA
- Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance, general Section 106 grant information
What programs and activities can Section 106 grants support?
Section 106 grants can support a wide variety of water pollution prevention and control programs and activities, including:
- Monitoring and assessing water quality;
- Developing water quality standards;
- Identifying impaired waters and total maximum daily loads;
- Managing national pollutant discharge elimination system permits;
- Ensuring compliance;
- Implementing enforcement actions;
- Protecting source water; and
- Managing outreach and education programs.
Increasingly, EPA, states, tribes, and interstate agencies are working together to develop basin-wide approaches to water quality management. The Section 106 program fosters a watershed protection approach at the state level by looking broadly at states' water quality problems, and targeting the use of limited finances available for effective program management.
Section 106 grants also may be used to provide “in-kind” support through an EPA contract, or for associated program support if requested by a state or tribe, as discussed in EPA’s final guidance.
Funding History
Section 106 allocations are generated every year, according to formulae developed by EPA, which provides allotments directly to states and interstate agencies. A portion of Section 106 funds is set aside and allocated to EPA regional offices to make allotments to eligible tribes.
Since 2006, EPA has provided additional Monitoring Initiative funding to states, interstate agencies, and tribes to enhance water quality monitoring programs and conduct surveys of the nation's waters. The state Monitoring Initiative funds are allocated separately and are not included in the historical funding information provided below. The interstate and tribal Monitoring Initiative funds are allocated through the existing formulae and are included in the historical funding information.