Experimental Permeable Pavement Parking Lot and Rain Garden Publications
Technical Fact Sheets
- Green Infrastructure Research: Rain Gardens at EPA's Edison Environmental Center
- Green Infrastructure Research: Permeable Pavement at EPA's Edison Environmental Center
Journal Articles and Reports
- Quantifying Evaporation in a Permeable Pavement System. Green infrastructure (GI) stormwater control measures are often installed to satisfy stormwater regulations requiring water quality treatment and runoff reduction. This research quantifies evaporation for a larger field application by measuring the water balance from lined permeable pavement sections.
- Chloride Released from Three Permeable Pavement Surfaces after Winter Salt Application. This study measured chloride present in the infiltrate from the three permeable pavement surfaces and in runoff from conventional asphalt immediately following winter salt application and for the remainder of the year. It compares the attenuation of chloride by the three permeable pavement materials and conventional asphalt.
- Evaluation of Surface Infiltration Testing Procedures in Permeable Pavement Systems. This study evaluates surface infiltration rates of the three permeable pavement surfaces during the first three years of use without maintenance. The paper also evaluates the ASTM method (ASTM C1701C) for conducting surface infiltration tests on permeable pavement.
- Assessment of Clogging Dynamics in Permeable Pavement Systems with Time Domain Reflectometers. This study used time domain reflectometers (TDRs) to measure spatial infiltration and assess clogging dynamics of permeable pavement systems in Edison, New Jersey, and Louisville, Kentucky.
- Novel Use of Time Domain Reflectometry in Infiltration-based Low Impact Development Practices. This study describes initial bench-scale tests to employ time domain reflectometers (TDRs) in the gravel aggregate present beneath permeable pavement. The paper also includes responses measured by the sensors placed in the permeable pavement storage gallery, rain garden media, and underlying native soils during the first six months after installation.
- Surface Infiltration Rates of Permeable Surfaces: Six-Month Update (November 2009 through April 2010). This document outlines the methods and results of the surface infiltration monitoring of the permeable parking surfaces during the first six months of operation.