Hydrocarbon Spill Screening Model (HSSM) - DOS
HSSM, or Hydrocarbon Spill Screening Model, simulates flow of the light nonaqueous-phase liquid (LNAPL) transport of a chemical constituent of the LNAPL from the surface to the water table, radial spreading of the LNAPL at the water table, and dissolution and aquifer transport of the chemical constituent. The HSSM model is one-dimensional in the vadose zone, radial in the capillary fringe, and two-dimensional in the vertically averaged analytical solution of the advection dispersion equation in the saturated zone. The model is based on the KOPT, OILENS and TSGPLUME models.
Version | 1.1 |
Release Date | April 1994 |
Development Status | General Release |
Operating System | DOS |
HSSM of DOS installation files (ZIP)(831 K)
HSSM Volume II – Parameter Variation Data Sets (ZIP)(45 K)
US EPA. (1995) "The Hydrocarbon Spill Screening Model (HSSM), Volume 1: User's Guide." Publication No. EPA/600/R-94/039a.
US EPA (1995) "The Hydrocarbon Spill Screening Model (HSSM), Volume 2: Theoretical Background and Source Code." Publication No. EPA/600/R-94/039b.