MOFAT: A Two-Dimensional Finite Element Program for Multiphase Flow and Multicomponent Transport
MOFAT is a two-dimensional, finite element model for simulating coupled multiphase flow and multi-component transport in planar or radically symmetric vertical sections. MOFAT evaluates flow and transport for water, nonaqueous-phase liquid (NAPL), and gas. The program also can be used when gas or NAPL phases are absent in part or from all of the domain. The flow module can analyze two-phase flow of water and NAPL in a system of constant gas pressure, or explicit three phase flow of water. The transport module can accommodate up to five components, partitioning among water, NAPL, gas, and solid phases, assuming local equilibrium inter-phase mass transfer or first-order kinetically controlled mass transfer.
Version | 2.0 |
Release Date | May 1991 |
Operating Status | UNIX, DOS |
Minimum System Requirements
This system was designed to run under DOS on an IBM PC, XT, AT, PS2, or compatible computer. Graphics capability is not required, but is highly recommended because most programs will produce graphics output. Graphics support is provided for the Hercules graphics card, the CGA, and the EGA. At least 512 KB of RAM is required, but 640 KB is recommended. An arithmetic co-processor chip is strongly recommended due to the computationally intensive nature of the programs, but is not required for use. Programs may be run from floppy diskette; however, a fixed disk is required to use the programs from the system menu. The system storage requirement is approximately 3 MB.
MOFAT Program and Installation files (ZIP)(362 K)
US EPA. (1991) "MOFAT: A Two-Dimensional Finite Element Program for Multi-Phase Flow and Multi-Component Transport, Program Documentation and User’s Guide." Publication No. EPA/600/2-91/020.