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Lookup Services


WATERS Lookup Services are query services returning small nonspatial result sets of WATERS data.

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Code Samples

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HUC12 to ZCTA5

Service returning the 5 digit US Census Bureau Zip Code Tabulation Areas (ZCTA) for one or more specified 12 digit Watershed Boundary Dataset Exit (WBD) Hydrologic Units. The spatial relationship has been precalculated for best performance.

Input Parameters

Parameter Datatype Description
pHUC12 String One or more 12 digit WBD Hydrologic Unit Codes (HUC12) to examine.
pHUC12Mod String Modifier explaining the array format used in pHUC12. See the complex object modifier descriptions for more information.
pOverlapThresholdSQKM Number Upper limit of overlap in square kilometers to return records for.
pOverlapThresholdPercent Number Upper limit of overlap in percentage of HUC12 to return records for.

Additional parameters specific to HTTP services are listed in the WATERS HTTP Services documentation. 

The minimum threshold during the precalculation of spatial overlap between HUC12s and ZCTA5s was simply anything larger than zero. Thus some very small overlaps are stored in the service reference tables. Users should determine a reasonable threshold for their application and utilize this when executing the service.

Return Object


HTTP Service

Resource Location
Runtime Endpoint

Database Service

Schema Resource
WATERS10 ow_service ow_tiger_zcta5tohuc12_grp

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ZCTA5 to HUC12

Service returning the 12 digit Watershed Boundary Dataset (WBD) Hydrologic Units for one or more specified 5 digit US Census Bureau Zip Code Tabulation Areas (ZCTA). The spatial relationship has been precalculated for best performance.

Input Parameters

Parameter Datatype Description
pZCTA5 String One or more ZCTA5 zip codes to examine.
pZCTA5Mod String Modifier explaining the array format used in pZCTA5. See the complex object modifier descriptions for more information.
pOverlapThresholdSQKM Number Upper limit of overlap in square kilometers to return records for.
pOverlapThresholdPercent Number Upper limit of overlap in percentage of HUC12 to return records for.

Additional parameters specific to HTTP services are listed in the WATERS HTTP Services documentation.

The minimum threshold during the precalculation of spatial overlap between HUC12s and ZCTA5s was simply anything larger than zero. Thus some very small overlaps are stored in the service reference tables. Users should determine a reasonable threshold for their application and utilize this when executing the service. 

Return Object


HTTP Service

Resource Location
Runtime Endpoint

Database Service

Schema Resource
WATERS10 ow_service ow_tiger_zcta5tohuc12_grp

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Reach Code to GNIS

Service returning the Geographic Names Information System (GNIS) Exit code and name value for one or more specified National Hydrology Dataset flowline and/or waterbody reach codes. Note that not all reach codes have GNIS information available.

Input Parameters

Parameter Datatype Description
pReachtype String F/W - Optional flag value to specify whether to only search for flowline or waterbody reach codes. Use of this flag avoids querying both the flowline and waterbody source data when the user wishes to only query one or the other. Leave empty to always query both tables.
pReachcode String One or more 14-digit NHD reach codes to examine.
pReachcodeMod String Modifier explaining the array format used in pReachcode. See the complex object modifier descriptions for more information. 

Additional parameters specific to HTTP services are listed in the WATERS HTTP Services documentation. 

Return Object


HTTP Service

Resource Location
Runtime Endpoint

Database Service

Schema Resource
WATERS10 WATERS_LOOKUP ow_nhd_reachinfo_grp

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Version: 2.0 - Released: September 9, 2009

  • Initial Release of HTTP Services.

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