Name Service
- Description
- Usage Scenarios
- Code Samples
- Input Parameters
- Output Return Object
- Http Service
- Database Service
- Changelog
Advanced query function to find water feature names and provide general location information for NHDPlus features.
Usage Scenarios
Mapping "Zoom to" Function
Problem Statement: User wants to center map canvas on a particular water feature knowing only the name of the waterbody and general location information (state, county, etc.). User wants text completion option where suggested matching names are provided as the user begins typing the name.
Desired Information: Bounding box information for the NHDPlus feature corresponding to the user's water feature.
Information Returned from Service: Part I: List of water feature names that match the user's water feature name or partial name, with additional information such as state and county to allow the user to identify the correct water feature. Part II: Bounding box information for the user selected water feature.
Water manager – "QA/Find my Waterbody"
Problem Statement: Quality assurance on water feature name entries and data standardization and improvement for names that with minor misspellings or non-standard formations. Could be done as an automated check or as a operator assisted check.
Desired Information: List of matching feature names or nearly matching names.
Information Returned from Service: List of water features matching or nearly matching the input feature name with additional information such as state, county, bounding box which can be used to QA/improve the data and/or provide additional data elements for the requesting program data store.
Code Samples
Input Parameters
Parameter | Datatype | Description |
pFullText | String | If executing a fulltext query, the full text of the feature name to search for. Case is ignored. |
pFullTextRegex | String | Any regular expression modifiers when executing a regular expression query. |
pBasename | String | If executing a composite query, the basename of the feature name to search for. Case is ignored. |
pBasenameRegex | String | Any regular expression modifiers when executing a regular expression query. |
pHydrography | String | If executing a composite query, the hydrology name of the feature to search for. Case is ignored. |
pHydrographyRegex | String | Any regular expression modifiers when executing a regular expression query. |
pDirectional | String | If executing a composite query, the directional part of the feature name to search for. Case is ignored. |
pDirectionalRegex | String | Any regular expression modifiers when executing a regular expression query. |
pOperator | String | EQ/LIKE/REG_EX/JARO - indicating the type of query to execute. Note that REG_EX and JARO queries do not utilize table indexes and may take a very long time to return results. Default value is 'EQ'. |
pQueryType | String | FULLNAME/COMPOSITE - indicating which type of text matching query to execute. Default value is to examine pFullname and execute FULLNAME query if a value is provided. |
pQueryLimit | Number | Numeric value to halt returning results at. Default is no limit. |
pJWThreshold | Number | Numeric value of the Jaro Winkler text matching algorithm if executing a Jaro Winkler text match. Default value is 90. |
pResolution | Number | 0/1/2/3 values. 0 indicates examine all resolutions. 1 indicates examine local resolution NHD only. 2 indicates examine high resolution NHD only. 3 indicates examine medium resolution NHD only. |
pSourceTable | String | nhdpoint/nhdline/nhdarea/nhdflowline/nhdwaterbody - used to limit queries to specific NHD tables. |
pSourceTableMod | String | Modifier explaining the array format used in pSourceTable. See the complex object modifier descriptions for more information. |
pState | String | Any postal abbreviation to limit queries to the primary state value listed in the USGS gnis_id records. |
pStateMod | String | Modifier explaining the array format used in pState. See the complex object modifier descriptions for more information. |
pCountyFips5 | String | Any FIPS5 numeric value of a US county. Used to limit queries to the primary county value listed in the USGS gnis_id records. |
pCountyFips5Mod | String | Modifier explaining the array format used in pCountyFips5. See the complex object modifier descriptions for more information. |
pSubbasin | String | Any 8 digit numeric value representing a WBD subbasin. Used to limit queries to specific WBD subbasins. |
pSubbasinMod | String | Modifier explaining the array format used in pSubbasin. See the complex object modifier descriptions for more information. |
pGnisClass | String | Any string value used to limit queries to the feature_type values listed in the USGS gnis_id records. |
pGnisClassMod | String | Modifier explaining the array format used in pGnisClass. See the complex object modifier descriptions for more information. |
pFtype | String | Any string value used to limit queries to the ftype values in the NHD records. |
pFtypeMod | String | Modifier explaining the array format used in pFtype. See the complex object modifier descriptions for more information. |
pBreakBySubbasin | String | TRUE/FALSE - flag to group results by unique NHD subbasins. |
pBreakByFcode | String | TRUE/FALSE - flag to group results by unique NHD fcodes |
Additional parameters specific to HTTP services are listed in the WATERS HTTP Services documentation.
Output Return Object
Property | Datatype | Description |
results | Array of Object |
Object Type: namesrv_results |
Property | Datatype | Description |
featureId | String | The gnis_id of the result record. |
featureName | String | The gnis_name of the result record. |
featureClass | String | The gnis feature class of the result record. |
primaryState | String | The 2 byte primary state abbreviation of the result record as defined by gnis. |
primaryStateFips | String | The 2 byte FIPS code of the primary state as defined by gnis. |
primaryCounty | String | The primary county name of the result record as defined by gnis. |
primaryCountyFips | String | The 3 bytes FIPS code of the primary county as defined by gnis. |
gnisPrimaryStem | String | The primary basename or stem of the gnis name. |
gnisPrimaryHydro | String | The primary hydro name of the gnis name. |
gnisPrimaryDir | String | The primary directional value of the gnis name. |
gnisSecondaryStem | String | The secondary basename or stem of the gnis name (if any). |
gnisSecondaryHydro | String | The secondary hydro name of the gnis name. |
gnisSecondaryDir | String | The secondary directional value of the gnis name. |
gnisCentroid | Geometry | Geometry representing the centroid of the result record as defined by GNIS. |
resolution | Number | 2/3 - the resolution of the NHD records with 2 = high resolution and 3 = medium resolution. |
sourceSchema | String | The schema holding the source NHD records in the RAD (for lookup). |
sourceTable | String | The table holding the source NHD records in the RAD (for lookup). |
subbasin | String | The HUC8 or subbasin value of the NHD records (if any). |
ftype | String | The ftype of the matching NHD records. |
fcode | Number | The fcode of the matching NHD records. |
nhdMbr | Geometry | Geometry representing the maximum bounding rectangle of the matching NHD feature. Note that in the case that the matching NHD record is a single point, that point will be stored in this field. |
shape | Geometry | The aggregated NHD geometry of the GNIS feature. |
The output format for this service is JSON with GEOJSON formatted geometries.
HTTP Service
Resource | Location |
Runtime Endpoint | |
Database Service
Database service users will require the RAD_PUBLIC role for accessing unprotected RAD program results. Accessing protected RAD program data requires additional roles which must be may only be obtained through proper EPA channels.
Database Instance |
Schema | Resource |
Version: 3.0 - Released: February 03, 2014
- SOAP version of the service decommissioned.
Version: 2.0 - Released: August 31, 2009
- Initial Release of HTTP Services and new Web Page Layout